My other self
There is a time in your life that you meet someone who is more like a friend she is more like your other you! This gorgeous girl next to me is my other me. I love her so much!
We share so many things in common: dancing, glasses, style, even our dears have the same name "DANIEL"..... I wish I could have her a little bit closer cuz I miss her a lot.
People think that we are sisters cuz we look alike a lot! what do you think? do we look a like?
I'm happy that i was able to find my other self.. I'm sure that this is a blessing that not everyone have.
Hay un momento en la vida donde conoces a alguien que es mas que una amiga, ella es tu otro yo. Esta hermosa nina junto a mi es mi otro yo... La amo mucho!!
Compartimos tantas cosas en comun: la danza, los lentes, el estilo, incluso el nombre de nuestro queridos es el mismo " DANIEL" .. Deseo tanto tenerla mas cerca porque la extrano demasiado!!
La gente piensa que somos hermanas por nuestro parecido fisico! que piensan? nos parecemos?
Estoy tan feliz de haber sido capaz de encontrarte amiga.. Estoy segura que esto es una bendicion que no todos tiene
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